In case you missed it, Andy Guerrero has put the paddles to Bop Skizzum and brought the funk unit screaming back to life, with a handful of shows at Moe's this past December, and, most recently, at Bender's for Guerrero's birthday last month. The guitarist, known also as Andy Rok, put the band on the back burner a few years back to focus on Flobots, his other group, as it made its way into the mainstream.
Those who know Guerrero locally -- the same folks most likely never refer to him as Andy Rok -- know that Bop Skizzum's never been far from his heart. Needless to say, it's not at all surprising to see him reviving the ensemble. And the time off has Clearly served Guerrero and his bandmates -- sax man Serafin Sanchez, who also plays keys and Erin Jo Harris, who shares vocal duties with Guerrero -- very well.
Don't know if it's the roadwork with Flobots has tightened Guerrero's chops, or if it's the addition of Harris, but whatever it is, the band sounds better than ever -- better than it did before it went on hiatus, actually, if you want to know the truth. Don't take our word for it. Listen to the act's new Push EP for yourself after the jump.