That's the latest from the Longmont Times-Call. The paper reports that Heydenburg left the dog at the Longmont Humane Society on Friday night, then returned home and killed Allyson and then himself while his estranged wife and their teenage son were on a camping trip. They returned to Longmont on Sunday and discovered the bodies, along with a suicide note.
What did it say? Longmont PD spokesman Jeff Satur described the eight-page, handwritten note "spiteful," suggesting the document attempted to blame someone else for driving him to the act. There's also mention of "weird" posts on his Facebook page, which are protected by the service's privacy function from the public at large.
However, the portion of the page that can be seen by all features a photo of him with Ally during an infinitely happier time. See a larger version of it below, along with our earlier coverage.
Update, 8:36 a.m. August 9: Authorities have still not positively identified the Longmont man and his three-year-old daughter who were found dead on Sunday in an apparent murder-suicide.
But a records search of the property points to David Heydenburg, whose Facebook page features a photo of him with an adorable little girl.
The Longmont Times-Call first reported that the 1260 Red Mountain Drive home where the bodies were found is registered to Heydenburg, whose brother declined to comment to the paper.
As for the Facebook page, it contains precious little public information beyond noting that Heydenburg is originally from Buffalo Grove, Illinois -- which accounts for the citation about his love for Chicago sports teams. Other nods include The Hill in Boulder and Longmont Magazine.
Here's an uncropped version of the Facebook photo, followed by our earlier coverage.
Original item, 2:29 p.m. August 8: And the bloodshed continues in the Denver-Boulder area.This weekend, following the deaths of ten-month-old Adam Gonzales, David Hubbard and Byron Parker came the grisly discover of a father and his three-year-old daughter dead in a Longmont home. And authorities there describe the circumstances as a murder-suicide.
In initial reports, the Longmont Police Department revealed only that a father and his daughter had been found dead and officers didn't regard the community to be in any danger from the perpetrator -- the sort of information that leads to conclusions borne out by subsequent statements made by Commander Jeff Satur to the Longmont Times-Call.
According to Satur, the 38-year-old man's estranged wife stopped by a house at 1260 Red Mountain Drive with their teenage son and discovered the bodies just shy of 5 p.m. yesterday. The man had apparently attempted to take his life in the past, and Satur confirms that cops found what could be construed as a suicide note.
Look below to see an interactive graphic of the area near the scene. If you have problems seeing the image, click "View Larger Map."
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