What Is a Doughnut Joint or Hash Hole? | Westword

Ask a Stoner: What Is a "Doughnut Joint," and Why Are They Popular?

Also known as a hash hole, a doughnut joint requires a rolled-up hash snake delicately placed on a bed of cannabis flower.
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Dear Stoner: What is a doughnut joint, and why are people posting them on social media? At this point, I'm afraid to ask in public.
Well Baked

Dear Well Baked: Something tells me you're older than 25. That's around the age I started seeing things on the internet that didn't make sense. (I finally learned what "rizz" meant last week. I don't have it.) Don't feel too left out, though, because chances are you've smoked something very close to a doughnut joint if you dabble with hash. It probably just didn't look as pretty.
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The hash in the joint melts into oil as it burns, leaving a hole in the center of the joint.
Herbert Fuego
Also known as a hash hole, a doughnut joint is essentially a joint with a rolled-up hash snake delicately placed on a bed of flower, then wrapped so the hash sits in the middle of the joint, completely surrounded by the flower. The hash-filled joint hits like a monster and burns like an ash doughnut, with the hash melting into oil and seeping into the flower as it burns, leaving a hole in the center of the joint as it goes. This obviously takes a decent amount of concentrate to create and can get sticky, so take your time on each attempt, and don't smoke those behemoths alone. There are a few pre-rolled options available at dispensaries, as well, but they cost anywhere from $50 to $80.

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