Best Official Biography of a TV Personality 2003 | Dan DaruChannel 2 | Best of Denver® | Best Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Music and Stores in Denver | Westword

Best Official Biography of a TV Personality

Dan Daru
Channel 2

TV station Web sites regularly feature biographical material about their featured personalities, and the vast majority of it is about as spicy as a brick of Velveeta. But the bio of Dan Daru, Channel 2's wild card, is a notably cheesy exception. His tale, accessible at, claims that he was born with "an extra pair of lips on his left cheek"; insists that he won a be-a-reporter-for-a-day contest several years ago but still keeps showing up; and states that he's "imbalanced," "very dangerous" and "thinks he is a goat." His turn-ons include "dog toys, milk, blue toilet water and the smell of paint," and his turn-offs are "Fig Newtons, luggage and the letter Q." There's such a thing as too much information, Dan.

Best Official Biography of a TV Personality

Dan Daru
Channel 2

TV station Web sites regularly feature biographical material about their featured personalities, and the vast majority of it is about as spicy as a brick of Velveeta. But the bio of Dan Daru, Channel 2's wild card, is a notably cheesy exception. His tale, accessible at, claims that he was born with "an extra pair of lips on his left cheek"; insists that he won a be-a-reporter-for-a-day contest several years ago but still keeps showing up; and states that he's "imbalanced," "very dangerous" and "thinks he is a goat." His turn-ons include "dog toys, milk, blue toilet water and the smell of paint," and his turn-offs are "Fig Newtons, luggage and the letter Q." There's such a thing as too much information, Dan.

An entire generation of Denver television viewers grew up admiring the coiffure of onetime Channel 9 icon Mike Landess, and why not? His 'do was so perfectly geometrical during his '70s and '80s heyday that it seemed to have been fashioned in a Mattel factory. As seen today on Channel 7, the distinctive helmet is grayer, but just as flawless. Making sure every follicle was in place would be a full-time job for most of us, so Landess is to be applauded for also having time to deliver the news.
An entire generation of Denver television viewers grew up admiring the coiffure of onetime Channel 9 icon Mike Landess, and why not? His 'do was so perfectly geometrical during his '70s and '80s heyday that it seemed to have been fashioned in a Mattel factory. As seen today on Channel 7, the distinctive helmet is grayer, but just as flawless. Making sure every follicle was in place would be a full-time job for most of us, so Landess is to be applauded for also having time to deliver the news.
Then again, there's much to be said for no-nonsense hair -- a style that doesn't look as if it needs the equivalent of an Indianapolis 500 pit crew to assemble. So here's to veteran broadcaster Tamara Banks, who, in a profession dominated by salon junkies, prefers a look that's simple, elegant, and not in any way reminiscent of plastic by-products.
Then again, there's much to be said for no-nonsense hair -- a style that doesn't look as if it needs the equivalent of an Indianapolis 500 pit crew to assemble. So here's to veteran broadcaster Tamara Banks, who, in a profession dominated by salon junkies, prefers a look that's simple, elegant, and not in any way reminiscent of plastic by-products.

Best Removal of Facial Hair From a TV Personality

Tom Martino
Channel 31

For years, self-proclaimed "troubleshooter" Tom Martino has had trouble directly under his nose: a thick mustache that made it seem as if he had something to hide (like, perhaps, a secret fondness for Geraldo Rivera?). By relegating this accoutrement to his bathroom trash can, he instantly cleaned up his image. On the face of things, anyway.

Best Removal of Facial Hair From a TV Personality

Tom Martino
Channel 31

For years, self-proclaimed "troubleshooter" Tom Martino has had trouble directly under his nose: a thick mustache that made it seem as if he had something to hide (like, perhaps, a secret fondness for Geraldo Rivera?). By relegating this accoutrement to his bathroom trash can, he instantly cleaned up his image. On the face of things, anyway.

Chronologically, the baby-faced Alex Stone, who's in his early twenties, may be the youngest full-time radio reporter in the city. But he's also the most versatile, with a proven ability to anchor broadcasts, deliver newscasts or work in the field -- and he handles breaking news, background pieces and light fodder with equal skill. Considering his talent, and his recent graduation from the University of Colorado, he may not remain in Denver for long. So enjoy his work while you can.
Chronologically, the baby-faced Alex Stone, who's in his early twenties, may be the youngest full-time radio reporter in the city. But he's also the most versatile, with a proven ability to anchor broadcasts, deliver newscasts or work in the field -- and he handles breaking news, background pieces and light fodder with equal skill. Considering his talent, and his recent graduation from the University of Colorado, he may not remain in Denver for long. So enjoy his work while you can.

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