Inside a golden atrium of rectangular windows and ornate woodwork, more than 5,000 feet above sea level and 93 steps above the third floor of the State Capitol Building, you'll find the best panoramic views of Denver and beyond -- way beyond. On a clear day, you can see Pikes Peak, Lookout Mountain and practically all the way to Kansas from the Dome. You'll also find tour guide Ted Polito, who dispenses trivia, historical brochures and personal anecdotes five days a week. Ted has Down's syndrome, but that hasn't stopped him from becoming one of the state government's most reliable, entertaining employees. He dresses like a cowboy for his job, and when he's not offering up tidbits about Colorado's past, he's practicing to become the future Garth Brooks. High above Denver, surrounded by blue sky and sunlight, he's on top of the world.